What we can do.

Market and fair value appraisals in accordance with § 194 BauGB

We prepare an expert opinion on the market value of a property in accordance with the requirements of the German Building Code (BauGB).

Mortgage value appraisal in accordance with § 16 PfandBG

We determine a properties value in accordance with the requirements of the German Pfandbrief Act (PfandBG) and prepare an expert opinion on the mortgage value, which is relevant for the lending of a property as part of a loan.

Portfolio valuations

We determine a properties value a portfolio of real estate consisting of several properties.

Building status reports

We prepare a report on the current status of a construction project, in particular with regard to the value of the property.

Appraisals for property development and project development measures

We prepare an appraisal on the value of a property as part of a construction project or project development.

Value updates or value reviews

We update the value of a property that has already been valued or check the value of a property to ensure it is up to date and plausible.

Value indications /
market value forecast

We provide an assessment of the current market value of a property or forecast the future value development.

Plausibility check of external expert opinions

We check the plausibility and accuracy of an existing expert opinion.

Expert opinions on rights, encumbrances and restrictions, among other things

We provide an expert opinion on the rights, encumbrances and restrictions that can affect the value of a property.
Your property valuation experts


Bleibtreustraße 38
10623 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 - 88 66 37 27
Fax: +49 30 - 88 66 37 84
© 2024 RP immobilienbewertung Gmbh




Market value appraisal in Brandenburg

Portfolio valuation in Brandenburg

Construction status report in Brandenburg

Value updating in Brandenburg

Plausibility check of appraisals in DBrandenburg

Appraisals in Brandenburg

Market value forecast in Brandenburg

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Financial appraisal in Brandenburg